Why did I choose this place to stand?

I could’ve laid among the hot sand,

Or played among the flowers,

But this is me,

The water crashing into my shoes,

Where I should be,

The place that I choose,


I. Will. Not. Be. Moved.

Even though the water pounds from directly above me,

An unending flow thudding intentionally,

The weight of the sea berating my body,

And the snatch of the current could clearly whip me off my feet,


Why did I choose this place?

With this current hitting my cold aching knees,

And washing away the ground where my toes dig in for stability,

It sweeps madly away the ground from beneath me,

Devouring it as the water above attempts to devour me,


I can’t remember why I’m here but I remember not to move,

Even with the sun seeping through the sheets which are plummeting,

And a step in any direction would take me out of this raining thing,

The thought of stepping out sends a wall up around me,

I don’t know why I’m here but I know I need to be,


I’ve closed my eyes against the raging waters,

Which try desperately to break into me,

I don’t know exactly why I’ve closed them,

Except the water was vast and scary,

I closed them fast and won’t watch it carry,


The only ground away that holds my feet.

So I’m pretty sure I closed them because it was big and loud,

And monstrous,

Because it was eager and awful and after me-

But was it awful?


Probably. I mean its pounding me,

But was it awful?

Or did it just evoke that awful feeling in me…

I saw it and its vastness,

And I felt so small,


I saw it and its fierceness and I felt passionless in compare,

I heard its booming voice and my shouts weren’t even there,

I saw it’s white and clean pure sheets,

And the dirt on my clothes sent heat into my cheeks,


No it wasn’t so awful,

I was,

It was beautiful and in my horridness I couldn’t look,

Its beauty I forsook.


The waterfall desperately and madly coming for me,

Contrasting my shame,

I open my eyes again,

It takes on a new name,


Yes it’s big,

And I am so small,

Else how would it cover me,

The thousand times that I fall?


It’s grace plummeting over my head,

Devotedly hunting my heart,

Recklessly endlessly pouring,

And tearing my shame apart,


I’m unworthy to stand in such a place,

In such unrelenting, such focused grace,

But look, it soaks deep into my dress,

And look, the dirt flees under its haste,


It drenches me, cleans me,

Purifies the place I am meant to be,

For the ground that it sweeps away from under me,

Is just soil brushed away, with rock underneath,


Solid, oh solid rock uneroded by time, and talk,

Of this place will ever escape my mouth,

And maybe teach others to under here walk,

Under the presence of our Lord, who loves his imperfect flock

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